0408 887 381
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You can make a difference.  Every individual has the opportunity to improve their lives, their neighbour’s lives, their workmate’s lives and so on.   Each of us has a unique perspective on how we see ourselves, in isolation and within the extended community.  We can make a decision to be proactive within our community by making a simple ‘donation’, that we be used for the benefit of those with issues; join for free as a member, to obtain helpful information and news events; join a subscription monthly membership, to access helpful audio and video feeds to assist us in daily life.


Your donation allows us to assist people to improve their contribution within their home, community and workplace. We assist people with personal issues, provide direction for workplace issues, run mentoring programs and workshops to assist individuals and groups, seeking to provide the most constructive solutions.


Tell your friends and family about these programs.  Every individual is entitled to live and work in harmony, be treated with respect as a person.  We work to abolish ‘bullying’ at home, school, streets and the workplace.  There’s no better way to make an impact than to become an active participate yourself. Join now and make an impact!

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